Sunday, May 29, 2011


mrs tan dah tgk citer nih...
Menyentap jiwa gak la...
Tapi xde la sampai nak bagi standing ovation...
Had a wonderful girls day out last week...
Majoriti hujan...
Bff mrs tan sampai merah2 idung...
Siap cover line kata ceceme...hehehe
Tapi ada gak yg jiwa kental tak kuar ayor mata pon...hehehe

Tapikan ada satu part yg mrs tan confused...
Naper nur amina cam xpenah jumpa anak dia...
Bukan ke adam survived and died bila dah tua...
So logically both were together and sepatutnya happily rasing their son...
Pastu since bila plak dia cam lupa2 tuh?...
Tapi sora Datuk Rahim Razali mmg macho sunggoh...

Pastu ada 2 scene yg mrs tan x berkenan sungguh...
Satu yg ada frame gambor kat dinding aktor yg ada affair time wife preggy and bakal kawin tuh...
Satu lagi yg scene "maksu moh kita balik"...
Mmg potong stim betul...
Xde pelakon lain ke?...
Nobody is perfect but mrs tan mmg hangat ati ngan peel gatal dia tu...
Pe pon moga dia bakal bahgia dgn mahligai baru dia...
Tapi jgn lupa karma tau "what goes around comes around"...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Innalillah hi wainna ilaihi rojiun...
Takziah kepada mangsa dan keluarga trajedi tanah runtuh di Hulu Langat...
Sebak mrs tan baca pasal adik2 yg guna tangan utk gali tanah dek nak selamatkan kawan2 yang tertimbus...

Moga mereka aman dan bahagia diSANA...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Benefits of Beetroot...

Sent to me by a friend...

The Magic of Beetroot Juice

· An intake of one glass of beetroot juice daily can assuringly tame high blood pressure.
· Beetroot juice is very potent, and it's recommended that you drink the raw juice diluted at least 4 times with other milder juices such as carrot, cucumber, or celery.
· It is claimed that beetroot juice has the ability to clean and build the blood, improve circulation and calm the nerves.
· It also improves the health of the liver, kidneys, and bladder.
· The juice is claimed to be beneficial in the treatment of gallstones and kidney stones.
· It cleans the intestines and fights cancer.
· For women, it improves the menstrual problems as well as cures anemia.
· It is traditionally used for curing eye fatigue & tiredness.
· Along with treating skin problems, the juice is effective in dealing with weight loss problems.

Blends of Juice

Known to have an extremely strong flavor, beetroot juice tastes best when mixed with other juices. The following combinations are the most popular ones:

· Beet juice with carrot and celery (For a sweeter drink, add an apple, or use 2 apples instead of the carrots)
· Beetroot juice with cucumber and pineapple (A fabulous cleansing drink which is best when consumed on an empty stomach)
· An unusual but delicious vegetable juice recipe that uses apples, beetroot, broccoli, nettles and lemon juice
· A mix of organic beetroot juice and monin caramel syrup
· Beetroot, carrot & apple juice (this mix can amazingly boost your energy levels)
· Blend the beetroot, ginger, pineapple and cucumber along with water.

Points of Caution

· Be careful to choose only firm and smooth beets. Avoid beets that are either soft or shriveled.
· Known to be one of the most powerful vegetables, beets are responsible for causing both stools and urine to turn red and if this happens, don't be surprised.
· Always remember to drink beetroot juice as a combination with either veggies or fruits. Having this juice by itself can temporarily paralyze your vocal chords, make you break out in hives, increase your heart rate, cause chills or a fever.
· Beets are best used moderately in small amounts.
· It is not advisable for those who are pregnant. It can be very toxic or very ill to take beetroot juice without consulting a medical specialist.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day...

Utk semua yg dah jadi ibu dan juga bakal2 ibu...
Moga semua bahagia...
Pepagi mrs tan dah dapat sekuntum bunga ros...
Dari teruna...
Dara bagi hug & kisses...
en tan bagi?????
Bawak gi picnic kat Resort Restu Ibu Hulu Yam Baru...

Pe pon mrs tan bahagia dapat jadi ibu...
Ibu kepada seorg penghuni tetap syurga dan 2 lagi yg bersama mrs tan...
Thank you Allah swt for this opportunity...
Tak semua dapat rasa...

To my lai lai tadi dah bawak gi dinner...
To my hjh normah besok kita gi kuar makan ye...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Me Speechless...

Seumur hidup mrs tan 1st time nampak gambo sultan jadi imam...
May mrs tan kurang membaca tapi really am speechless...
Btw gambo ni mrs tan jumpa while blogwalking...
Dari greenboc kalau tak silap...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mee Hoon Goreng...

Biasa mrs tan buat weekend...
For brunch...
Simple saja...


1 peket mee hoon (mrs tan pakai brand Jasmine - rendam)
3 ulas bawang merah*
2 ulang bawang putih*
10 helai cili kering (kalo suka pedas boleh tambah)*
segenggam udang kering direndam*
1 sudu makan cuka
Kicap/Cili Sos/Tomato Sos - secukup rasa
Garam secukup rasa
Veges - ikut suka
Mince chicken
Fish balls & cakes
Udang/Sotong - ikut stock yg ada lam fridge
Sedikit minyak untuk menumis
Air secukupnya
Hiasan - taburkan cili merah/daun bawang & sup/bawang goreng


Blend & tumis * hingga wangi
Masukkan mince chicken/fish balls/fish cake
Masukkan kicap & sauces gaulkan
Masukkan air & garam
Masukkan mee hoon yang dah dicuci & ditoskan
Masukkan veges & gaul kasi messssraaaaaaaaa
Lepas tu masukkan pulak sotong & udang
Gaul lagi matikan api & hidang