Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Passed by IJN just now...
Ternampak banner besar yg tertulis...


Mmg benar...
And one of the heart yg IJN pernah heal was my doter's heart...
They mend the hole and Alhamdulillah dengan izin-Nya...
Dara sihat walaafiat...
Minta dijauhkan sebarang ujian to her lagi...

I've stayed there for 2 weeks when dara went thru her op...
She was 2yo that time...
Opt was done one day b4 her 2nd b'day...
13/06/2002 to be exact...
Ingat lagi every nite pergi amik kerusi lipat untuk tidur next to her...
Pagi2 pergi return...
Then tunggu en. tan to come over hantar food and tukar turn to look after dara...

Hari yg paling sedih sepanjang that 2 weeks was when we both sent her to the OT...
I have to change to the OT garment and then carry her to the OT...
Baringkan dia kat katil and let the doc kasi bius to let her sleep...
Then baru keluar from the room sambil nurse tenangkan...
Suruh byk doa sambil tunggu kat waiting area...
Ingat juga lagi when Atuk Jalil datang and brought both of us to breakfast...
Then my elder sis dtg untuk temankan kami sampai dara keluar from the OT...

Lepas OT dara was sent to the ICU for 24 hours observation...
Nak tggu ada complication or not right after the op...
While she was in there mrs tan cuma masuk tgk less than 5 times...
Sebab tak sampai hati dia asik hulur tgn suruh dukung sedangkan wires were all over the body...
So that nite mrs tan joined other mothers/fathers lepak kat TV area...
mrs tan still remember on the same nite one of the mother was called to go down to the ICU if not mistaken...
Bila dia naik atas balik sambil menangis and informed all of us that her boy dah tak ada...
Really painfull...

Stayed there for almost 2 weeks but I have seen a lot...
I've also witnessed ibu yg disuruh balik bcoz dah tak ada apa yg doc boleh buat with her baby...
mrs tan and dara pun pernah sebilik with an old lady with her young doter...
Kalau xsilap datang all the way from Utara with only RM50 in her hand and not knowing how long she will need to stay at the hospital...
Husband pun xikut coz kena jaga anak2 yg lain...
Xpasti what happened to her and her doter now...
Moga semuanya selamat for her...

TQ so much to all doctors and nurses yg terlibat dlm proses yg melibatkan my dara...
Antaranya kalau mrs tan tak silap ialah Dr Ezani, Dr Jeswant Singh (handsome doc ni..hehehe), Dr Faizal dan byk lagi...
Maaf dah 10 years berlalu...
mrs lupa juga sebab faktor usia :-)...
Moga anda semua sentiasa dlm rahmat Allah...
Teruskan usaha anda dlm membantu mereka yg memerlukan...
Salute to IJN...

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