Plan for today - 8/1/2011
Lepas dah landed kat Changi direct to the hotel utk check-in...
Rehat sekejap than keluar makan...
Lepas tu melawat cousin brothers n sisters kat Tampines & Simei...
So that the next two days kami boleh concentrate with jalan2 n shopping...
What actually happened
Safely landed at Changi as scheduled @ 1.45pm...
Settle with immigration, pergi toilet...
Collect baggage kat conveyor belt...
Tunggu macam durian xmo gugur bag tak keluar yg keluar ada 2 unknown bags...
Check around and was asked to go to Lost & Found counter of Air Asia...
Sambil tu mata melilau kot2 ada org yg wrongly took our bag...
Lodged report and was told to wait for at least 2 hours for updates...
PIC keep on saying diaorang cuma receiving end so diaorang tak tau apa2...
Mudah sungguh melepaskan diri sendiri...
Decided xmo gi check in hotel first sebab takut Air Asia call suh collect bag once dah jumpa...
So pusing2 kat airport sambil check out people's bag...
After more than two hours masuk dalam balik sambil diescort oleh police officer to the counter again tapi jawapan ttp sama no update n still checking...
Was also told 1) people wrongly took our baggage 2) our baggage still dalam flight or somewhere in the airport 3) our baggage still at KL...
So kene tggu lagi...
Dah fed-up tggu pastu perut mmg dah lapar giler kami gi check-in kat hotel pastu lepak kat bilik menyejukkan ati yg panas...
Sambil tu mmrs tan call kawan kat KL mintak tolong coz dia kenal PA of someone high ranking in Air Asia...
After multiple calls was told to check Air Asia's website for baggage tracking or call their baggage centre at LCCT at xxxxxxxxx...
Pakai internet kat hotel @SD4.00 per 1/2hour...
Both on x successfull...
Internet xleh no record found, call LCCT no n counter kat Changi pon cam musibat coz xde org angkat...
Fed-up betul dgn sumer n since kami pun dah lapar kami pegi Geylang for our late lunch...
After lunch kami gi bazaar nak cari baju and undies in case bag kami tak jumpa...
Dah check ngan hotel laundry, they send to external operator so not possible for us to cuci our baju yg tgh pakai and dapat balik immediately...
Dah la next day tu plan nak gi USS n ticket sumer dah beli...
Then we headed back to hotel...
Up to this moment @ 8pm no one call us and again our attempts to call the nos (Changi and LCCT) tak berhasil langsung which is xlojik coz takkan xde org yg jaga...
Mmg x penah terfikir la holiday tanpa baju...
Dalam hati mmg rasa nak gi airport and yelled at them tapi still sabar lagik...
Abt 9 pm someone called from the airport cakap bag dah jumpa...
mrs tan tanya what actually happened to my bag dia punya jawapan just aaaa...
pastu mrs tan terjah la kata org salah amik ke?? dia punya jawapan tetap aaa...
mrs tan cuma kata kalo betul cam tu tolong cakap tima kasih la kat org tu ye coz bagi us unnecessary stressted...
That guy kata dia akan arange for delivery at 10pm and most probably mrs tan akan dapat bag tu by 12am...
Memula mrs tan ok je tapi terpikir pulak Singapore is so small takkan amik masa sampai dua jam kan...
From airport to our hotel mrs tan amik MRT pun tak sampai 1/2hour...
So mrs tan suspect bag mrs tan tan mmg tertinggal kat KL...
So dah confirmed bag kami dah jumpa...
Kami pun keluar berjalan ke Mustapha Centre which is abt 20 mins walking from our hotel...
Balik berjalan tu bag belum sampai...
Close to 12am mrs tan dapat phone call kata bag dah sampai kat lobby hotel...
Turun ngan en. tan ingat nak interview la org yg hantar tu...
Belum sempat bukak mulut dia dah siap kata i am just the delivery man pls call airport if you want to check further...
Dah la stressed bag ilang pastu lambat betul nak ditrace balik...
mrs tan tunggu about 10 hours for the bag...
Dapat pulak ngan handle boleh tercabut...
Pastu boleh dengar cam skru tercabut...
Mmg macam @#$%^&*()_+...
Sakit hati betul mrs tan...
Kita punya la jaga harta org lain yg tolong menjahamkan...
mrs tan strongly believed yg bag kami tu telah direntap/heret dan dicampakkan...
Kalo tak camtu bag kami tu tak akan cacat...
Tak pasal2 kami incur unnecessary expenses pasal beli baju n undies pastu nak kene repair bag...
Dan tak pasal2 jugak plan kami lari...
Dah la cuti pon singkat je...
Agaknyer camne mrs tan nak complain ye...
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